"My readers regularly benefited from stories that I broke earlier; dug into deeper; drew unconventional but prescient conclusions from."


"My readers regularly benefited from stories that I broke earlier; dug into deeper; drew unconventional but prescient conclusions from."


My name is Swen Lorenz. I've launched Undervalued-Shares.com to serve as an inspiration and research resource for other investors.

Here is what this website provides:

  1. Easy-to-invest opportunities
    A focus on liquid, well-known companies that anyone with a brokerage account can easily buy and sell (with the very occasional small-cap share or alternative asset class thrown in).
  2. DIY investing
    A philosophy based on private investors taking charge of their own investments, instead of paying a lot of fees to – mostly mediocre – financial services companies.
  3. Community
    A network of investors around the world, i.e., not limited to any country or area.

My trademark product is extensive, investigative research reports. Hard-hitting, more exclusive and more useful than anything you will likely find on other websites. Available for an absolute steal, at USD 49 per year for an Annual Membership, or as part of my more extensive USD 999 Lifetime Membership package.

I also publish a free weekly column. My Weekly Dispatches provide observations about markets, investments, and random other subjects. They will teach you new investment strategies, and give you new ideas that you can research further.

Everything you find on this website has been written by myself. What you get is 100% genuinely me.

It is solely and entirely your own responsibility to make investment decisions. Please read my disclaimer to be clear about what this website can (and cannot) deliver.

My website does not provide specific investment advice, and you will have to make your own investment decisions.

NB: If you are more interested in management related subjects, I recommend my other blog, swen-lorenz.com, which is aimed at entrepreneurs and people interested in financial independence.


I am entirely open to collaborations, provided they make sense for both parties and are in line with my brand values.

If you are interested, we can discuss:

  • Interviews and discussions (written or on video).
  • Speaking engagements (including at universities).
  • Joint events for readers.

I also offer an affiliate marketing programme with attractive conditions.

Please do not hesitate to drop me a line to discuss any ideas or questions you have. I reply to every email personally.


Questions? Feedback? I love hearing from my readers, and I always reply personally.

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