An undervalued tech company with blue-sky potential

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Exclusive report for Lifetime Members only

An undervalued tech company with blue-sky potential

20 August 2020

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Tech certainly isn't going away, and the coronavirus crisis is pushing us further and faster into a digital world. There probably has never been a better time for tech companies – and us investors to catch one of the elusive "100-baggers".

Most promising tech companies trade for horrendous valuations, because investors the world over are trying to latch onto the tech boom at almost any price.

Not so with my latest find.

  • It is undervalued relative to its existing cash flow.
  • Its growth potential is so vast that it could multiply in value.
  • If things take longer to materialise than expected, investors shouldn't lose much because of the strong cash generation of the existing business.

The company featured in today's report is the global leader in a technology with an enticing outlook. One of the world's biggest tech giants thinks it will succeed, and has already prepared to license the company's products. If this industry wasn't so low profile and difficult to research up to now, more investors would have latched onto it already.

What's more, during the past ten years, the management team has already achieved over 500% revenue growth. The team knows how to generate and handle rapid growth.

There is ONE snag, though.

The company in question is relatively small. Its current market cap is less than EUR 500m.

This opportunity is therefore exclusively available to Lifetime Members.

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|  What readers said about this report

Günter E.
October 2020

I'd like to thank you again very much for the (company name hidden by report, just excellent how this works out.

Michael N.
October 2020

Many congrats on the (company name hidden by pick! Phenomenal news today! And of course many thanks on my behalf - the portfolio is pleased 🙂

André S.
September 2020

Very interesting write-up on (company name hidden by

Lau E. S.
August 2020

Good to know that you are recommending (company name hidden by!

Tin R.
August 2020

Thank you for the report. Sounds quite interesting and agree with your 5.5% FCF yield approach re valuing the fcf positive part of the business.

Allan R.
August 2020

Thanks so much for your detailed report on (company name hidden by A very compelling and relatively undiscovered company.

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