"Buy American" – an ultra-contrarian investment for short and long-term gains

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Invest at a 25% lower price than Warren Buffett

20 December 2019

My timing for this report is carefully chosen:

  • In early 2020, the market should start to take a different perspective on the company.
  • Over the coming four years, the company will generate more cash than its entire current market capitalisation.
  • Moving into the 2020s, the company's industry should see extraordinary, and quite unexpected, changes. Read here first what could one day become global frontpage news.

I have been watching this potential investment opportunity for a long time, and believe that now is the time to pounce.

The company and its stock are good for superlatives:

  • The no. 1 in its market, both domestically and globally.
  • One of the world's cheapest blue chip shares.
  • Coming out of one of the most successful corporate restructurings in living memory (from bankruptcy to earning billions each year).
  • Largest asset purchase programme in the history of its industry.
  • Over the past six years, it has already returned more than its current market capitalisation to shareholders.
  • It attracted not just one, but two of the world's most successful value investors.
  • It quite possibly will be at the heart of an upcoming global transformation of its entire industry. I am speaking of change that hardly anyone can even imagine right now, but which might happen over the coming years.

Though right now, investors don't want to hear any of this. Or, they simply don't know or understand what is happening. Most existing shareholders are busy dumping their stock at a fire-sale valuation.

I believe this represents a pretty darn good opportunity for us. You can currently buy the stock at a significantly lower price than what Warren Buffett was happy to pay.

More about it in this 47-page background report.

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