Italian banks – a Renaissance (for some)

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Italian banks – a Renaissance (for some)

1 November 2019

What readers said about this report

I like stocks that offer all of the following:

  • Large personal investment by the CEO.
  • Low valuation metrics.
  • Margin of safety, e.g., through an attractive dividend yield.
  • Liquid trading of the stock.
  • Clear catalysts on the horizon for a revaluation of the stock.

All the better if large swathes of the media and the investing public do not currently hold a favourable view of that particular company and the sector it operates in. Then you are pretty sure to have found yourself a bargain.

This 47-page report is bound to give you a slightly different perspective on banks in Italy, the shifts in the Eurozone banking industry, and the situation of one particular, widely-known pan-European bank.

I suspect this stock to become a future model case for buying when a sector is out of favour. Importantly, the CEO has already pumped a double-digit million euro amount of his personal funds into the bank's stock and bonds. He even bought at prices that were considerably higher than today's stock price.

From 3 December 2019 onwards, this CEO should have more time to focus on making his company's new equity story more widely known. It could be up from there. The report explains the relevance of this particular date.

In 12 to 18 months, this European blue-chip company should trade 40% to 50% higher. With a bit of luck, it might perform even better than that.

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|  What readers said about this report

Sebastian G.
June 2021

Your (company name hidden by idea is just getting interesting again from a macro and technical point of view. Will initiate a first starting position.

André S.
February 2020

Your blog strongly stood out to me because of ideas such as Hyport in 2019, SHF and (company name hidden by

Robert V. B.
November 2019

A brilliant and non-conforming report about (company name hidden by As always, the report reads itself and is very interesting. I had sold Deutsche Bank two months ago with a slight profit and had actually planned to turn my back on the European banking market. Then Mr. Lorenz comes along with his likeable, competent and "manipulative" way and promptly, I'm invested in the banking sector yet again. Thank you for all your efforts and "your keen eye” …

Sebastian D.
November 2019

Thanks again for your research, you have a good nose this year... Pleases both myself and my portfolio.

Lorenzo B.
November 2019

I was reading your last report on (company name hidden by and the status of the italian banking system, and I found the analysis interesting.

Thorsten W.
November 2019

You don't really need any special research for mainstream stocks like the Mastercards, Microsofts or Amazons of this world. That’s exactly why I find investment ideas such as (company name hidden by or all the others very interesting and like to occasionally add such shares to my portfolio.

Roberto Z.
November 2019

I have happily read your report on (company name hidden by

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