Porsche SE
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Porsche SE
28 January 2019
What readers said about this report
I always try to get a deep understanding of each opportunity. This 72-page report is probably the most in-depth research currently available about the history, present and future of Volkswagen. It should also make for fun, interesting reading!
Lowest valuation since 2008
Relatively to its earnings, shares of Volkswagen are trading as low as they last traded during the height of the financial crisis. Remarkably, Volkswagen's earnings are very likely to increase further during the coming years, because of massive cost savings implemented at Volkswagen by BMW's former no.1 cost-slasher.
"Will electric vehicles put Volkswagen out of business?"
That's the question investors have recently been asking. As if the 'Dieselgate' scandal wasn't enough for the company to deal with, it also had to face up to other challenging changes in the automobile industry. Will Volkswagen be up to it? I've come to some surprising conclusions and explain them in detail.
Why Porsche SE equals Volkswagen (with a discount)
Porsche SE is a publicly listed holding company that controls 52.2% of Volkswagen's voting stock. Instead of buying Volkswagen shares directly at the current market price, you can (indirectly) buy Volkswagen shares for an even lower price if you purchase shares of Porsche SE. Will this holding discount persist? I doubt it, and I'll let you know why.
Another case for bottom-fishing
I have been in the market long enough to have witnessed not one or two, but three distinct, long-lasting upward cycles of Volkswagen shares. In my view, now is the time to prepare yourself for Volkswagen's next great cycle – best done by buying into Porsche SE!
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As far back as the 1930s, Volkswagen was closely tied to the Porsche family.

What if you were able to – effectively – buy the Volkswagen automobile brand for free?

Volkswagen's beginning new mega-cycle is a huge opportunity for investors, which will start to become apparent during 2019.
  What readers said about this report
Markus W.
October 2021
Overall, the Porsche share has in fact panned out considerably better this year than the VW share, about whose performance one cannot complain either.
Mark T.
June 2021
I enjoyed your report on Porsche SE, so on a similar line I have my own tip for you, copy-cat straight from Mr. Moonish Pabrai.
Günter E.
April 2021
Twitter has been a joy so far, Porsche even more!
Milind D.
April 2021
I am a subscriber to Undervalued Shares and thought to drop a message to you of praise for the way you write your reports. For any investor looking to invest the metrics and financials tend to supersede the narrative of investing in a particular company. I especially liked the way you described the narrative for (company name hidden by Undervalued-Shares.com) and in a way Argentina and have also liked the narrative that you have written about investing in Volkswagen/Porsche.
Lars K.
April 2021
Great Website – I wanted to write for some time – really like your write-ups and have invested in a few of the ideas with success (Porsche, Fiverr – albeit I should have entered earlier) while for others I am still waiting (Helios, Bespoke Capital). … Sometimes I would with that you dive a bit deeper into valuation – but that being said – a lot of people spend a lot of time on spreadsheets and not enough on the catalysts.
David S.
April 2021
It is really great that you were right on point with the Porsche AG and Gazprom shares!
Marko H.
February 2021
Regardless of whether it's Twitter, Porsche, Gazprom or (company name hidden by Undervalued-Shares.com), your reports are really great and regularly get me in front of the wave.
Chang L. E.
October 2020
I have just finished reading your first VW and Porsche report which is fascinating.
Chris P.
April 2020
I especially enjoyed your reports on Porsche Automobile Holding SE, Gazprom and (company name hidden by Undervalued-Shares.com).
Sebastian G.
April 2020
I've already had Gazprom in my portfolio and will continue to buy. However, I've only just come across IAG and Porsche because of your work and would like to thank you for it.
Rüdiger S.
July 2019
I became aware of you and your website through the videos with Jens Rabe - which I sometimes watch depending on the topic - and have been your paying customer for some time because I have invested heavily in both Gazprom and Porsche SE for many years. I found it interesting to meet someone who apparently has a similar nose and is also waiting for Mr. Market to wake up …..
Rudi K.
February 2019
I thought your Porsche research was very good.
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