Profit from the digitisation of Africa

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Profit from the digitisation of Africa

22 May 2020

What readers said about this report

During the past decade, seven of the 15 fastest-growing economies in the world were located in…. Africa!

For a long time, investors had thought that growth in Africa was limited to basic industries, such as consumer goods, building materials, or traditional banking.

However, it's now the digital economy that is growing the fastest in Africa.

The Dark Continent is leaping forward when it comes to:

  • Payments by mobile phone: Africa is now the world's #1!
  • Data usage: 800% growth between 2019 and 2024, faster than the US.
  • Harnessing tech to improve other industries: 60% of the world's unused arable land is in Africa, and tech (such as mobile phone networks and drones) is making parts of it farmable.

The growth rate of Africa's digitisation is nothing short of spectacular. Basic smartphones are now priced as low as USD 40, which makes them affordable for many Africans. Affordable technologies and rapid population growth make for an explosive mix.

I have found ONE company that is at the heart of this secular growth trend, and whose stock you can trade on the London Stock Exchange. It's a company with a market cap of over USD 1bn, and its management team has created a decade-long track record for operational excellence.

The stock is currently trading at an attractive valuation, but this is not likely going to be the case for much longer. There are already several catalysts for a revaluation on the horizon. I have summarised all this for you in my new 56-page report.

Further details are exclusively for Members.

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|  What readers said about this report

Manuel P.
June 2021

I think (company name hidden by has a lot of potential and a bright future.

Marco H.
May 2021

The story and development of (company name hidden by is very attractive. As with all of your other investment ideas, I'm of course also invested in this case.

Jonas T.
May 2021

A little more than two years ago, I started reading After the first report I was captivated and have since been waiting eagerly for the next reports. Particularly impressive is the depth of the reports, and I enjoy the new impressions of industries and companies that I wasn't aware of before (e.g. (company name hidden by, a report that remains one of my favourites to this day).

J. W.
April 2021

I am really convinced in your thesis and want to commit some decent funds to this opportunity . . . and then put it in the bottom drawer and not worry too much.

Lars K.
April 2021

Great Website – I wanted to write for some time – really like your write-ups and have invested in a few of the ideas with success (Porsche, Fiverr – albeit I should have entered earlier) while for others I am still waiting (Helios, Bespoke Capital). … Sometimes I would with that you dive a bit deeper into valuation – but that being said – a lot of people spend a lot of time on spreadsheets and not enough on the catalysts.

Jakob H.
April 2021

Thank you again for yet another interesting analysis that you present to us. I like the fact that you look for undervalued stocks that is also related to long term trends and is therefore also likely to be long term compounders. I am now invested in (company name hidden by, (company name hidden by, JET, (company name hidden by, (company name hidden by and (company name hidden by So you definitely have had an impact on my portfolio for the last year or so. I view your reports as inspiration for a modern Munger-like investing approach.

Based on the stories on Poland growth story i also invested in Mo-bruk (Polish) in the ESG area, as i believe that the increased wealth will result in a continued improvement of ESG in generel terms.

Karan M.
Apri 2021

This is one of my favorite unknown ideas from your research and I wish I had bought more. I keep waiting for pullbacks but they never seem to come!

Giovanni U.
February 2021

Already put my money where YOUR mouth was, really like the investment thesis in (company name hidden by and (company name hidden by, amongst others.

Wulf S.
January 2021

I’m always happy to get news from Undervalued Shares, because it always opens up new horizons. It's not like I jump on it every time and buy straight away (e.g. not (company name hidden by, but things like (company name hidden by, Gazprom, Twitter or Just Eat are also mega-interesting from a content point of view and of course convey a depth of information that one would normally never get without very deep research. Keep it up!

Michal B.
January 2021

Of all of ur reports these three stand out now for me as very interesting (company name hidden by, (company name hidden by and (company name hidden by

Eskil S.

December 2020

I'm a new subscriber to your services and I've been particularly pleased with your reports on (company name hidden by and (company name hidden by

Tobias M.
November 2020

I am a recipient of your reports and added Fiverr and (company name hidden by to my portfolio once you've made me aware of them.

Stefan B.
September 2020

I really appreciate your global look at things, planning to get into your PL and African recommendations.

Andreas A.
July 2020

I'm also busy buying (company name hidden by since I've also got AMT, it fits into my strategy and I have long been looking for a good Africa investment case.

Philip T.
July 2020

Great chance with (company name hidden by, thanks for the update.

Tyler K.
June 2020

First off, I have to admit that it's because of guys like you and Sven Carlin that I've started to look outside of North American companies for investing and I loved the (company name hidden by recommendation you made for Africa.

Thomas D.
June 2020

I do appreciate that you look into non-mainstream ideas. ((company name hidden by, who would have thought of that?)

Jose A.
June 2020

Your recent report on (company name hidden by is great, it is a name I have followed for a few months and think it a great idea.

Michael S.
June 2020

I am a new member and I really enjoyed going through your reports (so far focused on (company name hidden by

Jan Gerrit K.
May 2020

I am just reading your new report ((company name hidden by and now think I must upgrade to a Lifetime Membership. Why? Well, I assume that insider information can give you an advantage when buying stocks and because there is still a lot to learn 😉 Attached is the share price since 22.5. +20% is impressive indeed 🙂

João D.
May 2020

(Company name hidden by was a great find !!! Brilliant work.

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