The best "stimulant" company in the world?

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The best "stimulant" company in the world?

8 June 2022

Based on historical valuations, the stocks of Big Tobacco are still trading near record lows.

Quietly, the leading Big Tobacco companies have prepared themselves for a new era, where conventional cigarettes will become a thing of the past. But this not a problem for these companies. Their CEOs know that the future lies in "stimulants" rather than conventional cigarettes. Philip Morris International even called for a ban of cigarettes in Britain by 2030.

The leading Big Tobacco companies are busy preparing the switch to so-called Next Generation Products ("NGPs"), and their public perception is likely going to change. In the meantime, they earn immense cash flow from their existing cigarette operation.

Which one of these companies is the best?

I took a deep dive into the industry, and came up with a tobacco stock that is world-leading, offers a 5-8% dividend yield, and could rise 50% over the next 12-18 months even at times of inflation and rocky markets.

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