The ONE Polish stock to own for the 2020s

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The ONE Polish stock to own for the 2020s

24 July 2020

What readers said about this report

Most Polish blue-chip companies are Old Economy firms – cheap but often stuck in a value trap.

Polish tech companies are usually small- and mid-caps, and as such require investors to regularly pay attention to new developments.

Isn't there a stock that combines the best of all worlds?

There is!

I can reveal the ONE Polish stock that ticks many of the right boxes:

  • Dominant market position in its sector (near-monopoly status for 30 years).
  • A well-known brand name, including international recognition.
  • High operating margins, low capital requirements, and plenty of room to grow.
  • Benefitting from the key macro trends that are driving the Polish economy.
  • Low valuation, both in absolute terms and relative to its international peers.
  • Dividend yield of >5%, to make waiting more comfortable.
  • Possibility of the share price multiplying over the years.
  • A market cap of USD 500m and over 50% free-float, i.e. sufficiently liquid trading for private investors.

If you, too, would like some exposure to the Polish growth story with a stock you can buy and tuck away, that's the one investment I'd advise you to check out in more detail.

The stock in question is disclosed in my latest research report.

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|  What readers said about this report

Lucas V.
May 2021

So far, (company name hidden by is my favourite of all the stocks you've covered. I think it just hit a 5 year high intraday this morning.

Kevin K.
May 2021

Thanks for the in-depth research which is always a great read and especially for the reports about Fiverr and the Polish market / (company name hidden by The latter also made me find a company I fell in love with which is very niche as it is listed on the NewConnect and only has an IR site in Polish.

Jakob H.
April 2021

Thank you again for yet another interesting analysis that you present to us. I like the fact that you look for undervalued stocks that is also related to long term trends and is therefore also likely to be long term compounders. I am now invested in (company name hidden by, (company name hidden by, JET, (company name hidden by, (company name hidden by and (company name hidden by So you definitely have had an impact on my portfolio for the last year or so. I view your reports as inspiration for a modern Munger-like investing approach.

Based on the stories on Poland growth story i also invested in Mo-bruk (Polish) in the ESG area, as i believe that the increased wealth will result in a continued improvement of ESG in generel terms.

Marko H.
February 2021

Regardless of whether it's Twitter, Porsche, Gazprom or (company name hidden by, your reports are really great and regularly get me in front of the wave.

Stefan H.
February 2021

I've looked at the entire Poland theme and also the (company name hidden by case over the weekend. Will establish a position (company name hidden by today. This definitely makes sense to me and the case is worked out really well.

Eskil S.
February 2021

Thanks again for your excellent work on (company name hidden by

Michal B.
January 2021

Of all of ur reports these three stand out now for me as very interesting (company name hidden by, (company name hidden by and (company name hidden by

Eskil S.
December 2020

I'm a new subscriber to your services and I've been particularly pleased with your reports on (company name hidden by and (company name hidden by

Stefan B.
September 2020

I really appreciate your global look at things, planning to get into your PL and African recommendations.

August 2020

Working my way through the archive in the last few days ... especially liked your Polish stock, I'm also very interested in Poland and am invested there in real estate.

Manuel P.
August 2020

I've read your (company name hidden by research report and I am quite impressed, I'll do some extra research but I think it's a great way to get exposure to the polish market. I completely agree that the share price could skyrocket if Poland continues its growth during the decade.

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