Weekly dispatches

Year: 2020
Is this stock like Amazon in 1997?

Is this stock like Amazon in 1997?

If my instinct is right, this online company is a ground floor opportunity similar to investing in Amazon 20 years ago. It is already world-leading in its market. You could even say that it has created its own market by approaching a problem in a different way than everyone else. It could be a category-defining company.

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13 investment trends for a new world

13 investment trends for a new world

The coronavirus crisis will turn out to be an inflexion point. From here onwards, the world (and stock markets) won’t continue as a linear extrapolation of the past. Here are some thoughts how it might continue.

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Gazprom – is it now or never?

Gazprom – is it now or never?

Gazprom – that lumbering, state-controlled energy giant – is going full capitalist. Vladimir Putin has adopted a new strategy and he wants to maximise the value of the 50.1% stake that is owned by his government. Read all about it in my new report.

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Blogs to watch (part 6): Cody Shirk

Blogs to watch (part 6): Cody Shirk

Cody Shirk’s articles get priority in my inbox. His approach and style are very similar to mine but also totally different. Here are seven reasons why I love his writing.

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100x if Trump buys Greenland?

100x if Trump buys Greenland?

For professional investors and anyone who is curious about the future of Greenland, this is THE report to look at.

Dominant, fast-growing tech play in emerging markets

Dominant, fast-growing tech play in emerging markets

This emerging market tech champion does not need to hide behind Google, Apple or Amazon. Over the next 3-5 years, the stock could 5x.

2-2.5x from an investment holding liquidation

2-2.5x from an investment holding liquidation

This AIM-listed small-cap will likely return all its capital to shareholders. Underresearched by investors, it's an opportunity that shouldn't even exist – but it does.