Blogs to watch (part 9): AdventuresInCapitalism

Blogs to watch (part 9): AdventuresInCapitalism
19 June 2020

Writing this series is a constant struggle between two opposing ideas:

  • Featuring blogs that are similar to mine.
  • Featuring blogs that are totally different from what I do.

For today's featured blog, the first category won (yet again).

"AdventuresInCapitalism" is the blog of Harris Kupperman, who is widely known in the investment industry as "Kuppy".

Here are five reasons why I always enjoy getting his email alerts.

1. Specific stock opportunities

There are over 100,000 publicly listed companies in the world. Much as I would love to follow them all, I struggle to have some level of familiarity with even just 1% of them.

Kuppy discusses individual stocks in detail, and he tends to look at companies that I would not know anything about myself.

His motto is: "Small Companies – Big Upside".

All his blog posts are free, by the way.

2. Very international outlook

Kuppy does have his biases, as we all do. E.g., he loves his oil tanker companies.

That aside, Kuppy looks at potential investments around the entire globe, and he appears to be open to any opportunity that makes sense.

3. Articles with general observations

Personally, I prefer to read content from people who have a broad, well-rounded outlook on the world.

It helps me to get to know a blogger if he or she also publishes the occasional general piece, rather than just discussions of individual stocks.

Most recently, I thoroughly enjoyed Kuppy's musings about "Post-COVID capitalism", which discussed useless employees and the concept of offshoring jobs.

Another epic one is his September 2019 article "Miami real estate is about to collapse". I am not usually a doom-monger, but I do like a critical analysis of markets that have become too hot. That particular article went viral when it came out.

Last but certainly not least, Kuppy just published a BRILLIANT take of the entire debate surrounding Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). That particular article is a must-read for you, and there will be follow-up articles.

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4. Humour

Kuppy sprinkles a fair amount of humour across his postings.

(Mental note, I need to learn from him and become better at that.)

5. Practitioner

I prefer reading content from people who have real-life experience in what they write about – rather than people who make a living solely off writing.

Kuppy manages a hedge fund (Praetorian Capital), and has been a director of two publicly listed companies (which he discloses on his blog).

That ticks my box regarding real-world experience.

The bottom line

Kuppy is another one of those bloggers that I have never spoken to or met in real life, yet I feel like I have come to know him well through his writing. His blog has been in business since 2010, albeit without a regular schedule for posts.

If you don't know Kuppy already, AdventuresInCapitalism is well worth taking a look at.

Blog series: Blogs to watch

There's more to "Blogs to watch" than this Weekly Dispatch. Check out my other articles of this 30-part blog series.

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