Every week, I send out an email with observations about markets, investments, and random other subjects. These emails will help you shape your world view, they will teach you new investment strategies, and they will also give you new ideas that you can research further.


Concentrated bets – how the world's best value investors got rich

How I work (part 2): The 10 worst mistakes of my investing career

The value of going against groupthink

Riches among ruins (part 2): my 5,000% investment adventure in war-torn Iraq

Ferrari – the company, the stock, and my car

11 highlights from our dinner with Kuppy

Sark – bidding for the Barclay estate and going public

USA – the unstoppable juggernaut?

Hungary investor trip – what we learned

"The art of execution": how to manage your own portfolio

Is British Airways a 15% p.a. compounder for the 2020s?

You’ll be surprised to read about British Airways (BA) on my blog. All the more, since this company is not itself listed on the stock market. You need to buy into Madrid-listed International Airlines Group (IAG, ISIN ES0177542018), a holding company that owns 100% of British Airways.

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Special report to flip Black Friday on its head

Are you sick of all the Black Friday special offers? Everyone wants to sell you stuff that you don’t need. I just published a Black Friday story that potentially EARNS you money instead of making you SPEND money.

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Blogs to watch (part 2): LT3000

LT3000 is one of the smartest investment blogs I’ve come across. Its author, Lyall Taylor, has a real talent for analysing a subject in great depth and from different perspectives.

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Latest reports (for Members only)

Buy Florida land – where it's still cheap!

Buy Florida land – where it's still cheap!

Florida's panhandle region is bound to benefit from a major transformation over the next 10-20 years. This stock gives you easy exposure.

100x if Trump buys Greenland?

100x if Trump buys Greenland?

For professional investors and anyone who is curious about the future of Greenland, this is THE report to look at.

Dominant, fast-growing tech play in emerging markets

Dominant, fast-growing tech play in emerging markets

This emerging market tech champion does not need to hide behind Google, Apple or Amazon. Over the next 3-5 years, the stock could 5x.